Power Back-UP Solutions
Power Back-Up
A power backup system is a setup that includes an inverter and battery storage, which enables energy to be stored for utilization during power outages.
​Our power backup systems ensure that critical operations continue uninterrupted, protecting businesses and homes from the risks and inconveniences associated with power failures.
How It Works
When the grid power is available, the inverter charges the batteries. In case of a power outage, the inverter takes over automatically and supplies energy from the batteries to your home or small office. This process is fast and doesn't require any human intervention. Once the grid power is restored, the batteries are recharged and prepared for the next power failure.
The size of the solution is dependent on what you require to be powered during an outage. We therefore differentiate between essential loads (lights, security systems, fridge, freezer, TVs, internet routers, etc.) and non-essential, power-heavy loads such as water heaters, cookers, aircons, and pumps. Adding up all the essential loads that you require to function at the same time during a power failure will give you the peak power requirements. This total must be less than the power rating of your backup system.